LinkedIn is used by professionals of all types, but it looks like prostitutes and escorts will have to find another social network to promote themselves.
The social network updated its user agreement terms on Monday, adding an interesting clause, which caught the attention of one of our readers. Under a section entitled "Don't undertake the following," LinkedIn now includes this statement:
"Upload, post, email, InMail, transmit or otherwise make available or initiate any content that: Even if it is legal where you are located, create profiles or provide content that promotes escort services or prostitution."
A LinkedIn rep confirmed that the wording is new, but noted that the social network has always prohibited users from "unlawful" activities. The reason for the new wording, according to the rep, is that there are some countries in which LinkedIn operates, where prostitution is actually legal.
"In the old [user agreement], we had it covered by saying that one could not use a profile to promote anything 'unlawful,'" the rep said. "However, in some countries, that activity actually is lawful." With that in mind, LinkedIn decided to be a little more explicit about banning these professions from the site, regardless of what a country's laws might be.
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