Sunday, April 6, 2008

En Kang...(Trash talking)

Well it's been a while I haven't log in to my blog and post...So sorry about that. Anyways, yesterday was just being crazy again. Socialise in Coffee Julian Ooi (Kononnya)...First called me and say his cousin coming so asked me to call out some girls to SOCIALISE... Then change venue to autocity in between then as usual me and YCC screw Julian a lil bit and stick back to the real plan...Socialise in Coffee Bean...
Did the socialising crap by Julian worked??? Definitely NOT...Wouldn't say it didn't work totally...Just that the socialising became something what we called as En Kang(Hokkien) meaning Trash Talk(Ingles) and that is when the fun part began...
A table filled with 5 local lads sitting down and having sips of coffee and En Kang...What did we En Kang??? You wouldn't wanna believe it... Things that normal people with an average IQ of 200 wouldn't be able to interpret our encrypted language...
So first intro one girl to YCC coz they knew each other through the virtual world but not in the real world...So finally they met...Ok Yippee...Then as usual I brought my very loyal (Bulldog) with me coz he is the (MAT ROMEO)...(Pimping ever since he knows how to pimp)...So the 4 of us sat down while waiting for the main guy who came out with the stupid idea of SOCIALISING... Ordered some drinks and trust me...Coffee Bean is not about the coffee anymore...It's so sweet like your mum's having diabetes...
Minutes later the main guy (Julian) came with his starship troopers helmet...Moments later a bit of intro here and there, the En Kang (Trash Talk) began... Talk about our fren's imaginery friend, an object with the subject material of its own class; CODE NAME [The THING], and etc...
I thought the girl that came and join our En Kang community might be bored...But it turns out that she doesn't even wanna go home after knowing my other peers for 2-3 hours...Asked her wat time she wanna go back coz I don't wan her daddy to cut my jewels off if you know what I mean(By that time it's already like 12.30am so early ya)...Still she refuses to go home...After En Kang for about 3 or 4 hours, then it's time to go home la fren cause our bulldog need to be tied up by the tree...We may be no lifers but we still got a home...

P/S: Lifeless mofos...Every Saturday En Kang in some coffee house...Interested plz call the wealthy man Julian Ooi who lives in a wealthy place for more info...

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

LOL. I said not too late. not don't want to go home. haha, anyway i enjoyed